Thursday, April 7, 2005


Did I mention that my boss and his wife had a son on Monday night? Well..they did. 8lbs, 2oz. I haven't seen hide nor hair of my boss lately. I've been carrying the pager for him but it's been fairly quiet at work due to the mild temperatures. Pretty soon it will get crazy around here, once people go to turn on their air conditioners and find out that it crapped out on them over the winter. Yep..busy season is almost upon us.

An old friend emailed me last night to say that a very good friend of theirs had an aneurysm at their home. She's the daughter of her best friend. They had picked up the little girl from the bus stop and brought her to their house to sit for her until her mom got back from work. The little girl started complaining of a bad headache and nausea. The little girl passed out as they were calling 911. Thankfully they did call 911 because that's what probably saved this girl's life. Anyway, would you hold her in your prayers? She needs to undergo an operation soon to reduce the swelling in her brain. Thanks in advance for your much needed prayers for this little girl.

Stayed in last night and watched "Around the Bend" again! Rachel and Becky watched it with me and they both LOVED it. They especially love the little boy in this movie. I'm telling ya, great acting by everyone in this movie!

Can it possibly be true that I'm going to be 44 years old next Friday?! YIKES!! My sister's birthday is the day before mine so she wants us to all go out to The Chart House in Dobbs Ferry. Which is all well and good but it's about 1 hour and 15 minutes away!! And, it's a hard ride. NJ Turnpike, over the GWB and up the Henry Hudson/Saw Mill Pkwy. However, my mom said she would watch all the kids if we wanted to spend the night somewhere. I may just take her up on it!

Well...time to go...Peace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sharon!!! I know what it feels like to be 44.  Welcome to the mid 40's.

Your bud,