Saturday, April 23, 2005

New computer, new day

This is gonna be a quickie of sorts. Our old (really not old, it's only a year old) just completely tanked last week for no apparent reason. Herman thinks that it may be the power supply so he's going to try and repair it. I hope so because all my files and paranormal pictures are in it!

It's raining here in NJ so it's a good, no...GREAT day to just hang out! I fell back to sleep for awhile listening to "Soundscapes" on DirecTV. Soundscapes is my favorite music channel when I want to get some peaceful sleep. They play new age stuff..Enya, Yanni...really mellow mood music. I have the best "dreams" while listening to Soundscapes. Even my kids love to come and lay down in my bed with me when I'm trying to tune out the world. They calm down and zone out. The only problem today is that while I was in a blissful sleep, Becky woke me up and now I'm a bit fried. I wasn't ready to leave my peaceful place.

I was sick Tuesday from my Addison's Disease, which totally sucked because I had to work, go to the therapist and to a Church meeting. Oh, and it was the 20th anniversary of mine and Herman's first date!! (We've been together ever since so this anniversary meant alot to us.) Anyway, Addison's makes my blood pressure drop very low so I was feeling pretty awful on Tuesday. I'm much better now, tho.

Wednesday I had lunch with a friend (and former fellow Deacon) to discuss our new pastor. We don't much care for him and there are many people who feel the same way. Some have left our Church and joined our former interim associate pastor's new Church, which is a few miles from our town. Not far, but the congregation is totally different in his new Church. Trust me when I tell you, if you had told me 10 years ago that I would be so upset about my Pastor, I'd have told you that you were crazy and probably called you a few select names!! LOL! In any case, I really love the people in my Church but I'm so not feeling the new pastor. Not at all. As my mom says, he's got a job...not a ministry. And I'm not about to leave my Church just because of him. Oh well...hopefully enough people will complain and he'll be gone.

The girls left the lovely and thoughtful gift of about 10 loads of laundry in the basement. My hope is that I can get it done this dreary weekend because I really need to get this mess of a basement cleaned up. Our main sewer line was backflowing into our basement toilet on Sunday and Monday nights. What a mess!! The plumber is praying with us that the main line will stay clear of obstruction because it's gonna be a huge (not to mention EXPENSIVE) job to remove the old line and install a new sewerage line. We live on a narrow one-way street which means we'd have to hire a cop for the day to divert and direct traffic. (It's a main street in our town.) Pray with us, won't you?! LOL!

Ok...let the day 2:12pm!! Peace!

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