Sunday, February 6, 2005

Mom's OK!

OK..this is the deal: My father in-law THOUGHT that the doctor said she had an irregular heartbeat, when in fact she's had no irregular beats at all! Whew!!!! Thankfully we were there when the cardiologist showed up. My father in law is hard of hearing so sometimes he has no idea what he was told. When this happens, he embellishes on words he DID hear, but not to to the point that it's what was REALLY said. In any case, she's having a full cardiac work-up on Monday morning so perhaps they'll adjust the medications she's currently on for her high blood pressure. She looks tired, but HE looks ever MORE tired than she does! My sister in law and niece were also there. I discussed the fact that at this stage of their (Herman and his sister)  parent's lives, someone really needs to go to important doctor's appointments with them, because Dad cannot hear well at all and Mom just agrees with everything, whether or not she understand what's being told to her. It's hard to watch 2 people you love so much go thru such a decline. They have been quite fortunate in the fact that Mom has been pretty healthy all these years, and STILL is, except for this "incident". My feeling is that she will be fine and that this was a fluke. People pass out for no reason happens. I think this is what happened to Mom. I PRAY that this is all there is to it.

I wish you all....PEACE...(Thanks for kind and wise words, Adrian.)

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