Sunday, May 16, 2004

Fun game..

Amy had this "game" in her journal..I thought it was TOO funny so I've decided to play along!!

1. Exotic Foreigner Alias = Favorite Spice + Foreign Vacation Spot. "Dill Bahamas

2. Socialite Alias = Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied. "Jolly Green Giant Silverton"

3. "Fly Girl" Alias (a la J. Lo) = First Initial + First Two Or Three Letters of your Last Name. "She" or "S. Hen"

4. Diva Alias = Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen. "Tonic Dawn"

5. Girl Detective Alias = Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Last Went to School "Puppy Toms River"

6. Barfly Alias = Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink. "Doritos Dirty Martini"

7. Soap Opera Alias = Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived. "Dianne Green"

8. Porn Star Alias = First Pet's Name + Street You Grew Up On. "Rocky Delaware"

9. Rock Star Alias = Any Liquid on the Bar + Last Name of Bad-Ass Celebrity. "Amaretto Depp"

I give all "credit" to Amy..and, like she said in her post, if you decide to play, let me know!!


Anonymous said...

Hi I found this also.  I've been working on it and have had a blast!!  -Jan

Anonymous said...

These rock! My faves are: Tonic Dawn, Amaretto Depp, and best of all Rocky Delaware! Now THAT'S a porn name!!!!