Thursday, December 25, 2003

Quick Christmas update..

Apparently while we (my husband, 2 of our daughters, and myself) were at Church, the remaining daughter was in the hot tub and saw a small child run down the hallway. (You can see into the house via sliding glass door onto hot tub deck.) My son was in the family room so she knew it wasn't him.

Then, very early this morning, my oldest daughter and my son heard someone strumming my son's guitar! (They sleep in the same room because A) my oldest daughter doesn't like her room in the basement AND B) my son is afraid to sleep alone.) My daughter thought my son was doing it until he said, " Sister' name, are you doing that?!" SHe opened her eyes to see a very large orb fly past her and he saw something white fly by him!

They told us this morning when they woke up to unwrap their gifts. I explained that the ghosts were probably excited children, waiting for Christmas Day, also. Sounds right, doesn't it?

The youngest daughter felt badly for them. Feels that perhaps we should have gotten gifts for them, too! LOL!!

Anyway...Merry Christmas agian..I'm off to my mom's for a bit and then home to start cleaning up before my in-laws get here. Looking forward to a nice, quiet Christmas Day..OH!  Just one more thing! When we arrived at Church last night, there was a rose on the chancel rail, signifying the birth of a child to a member. It turns out that our Interim Associate Pastor's wife gave birth to a daughter yesterday morning! How fitting! And he was at Church last night...a tired but excited man!


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