Herman and I were on vacation 2 weeks ago. Instead of going away for a week we decided to just do day trips. Monday and Tuesday were really crappy (rain) so we just hung out at home. Wednesday we took the kids and our 10 year old nephew to Dorney Park. Thursday Herman and I went to Pt. Pleasant, Friday we went to Atlantic City amd Sunday we headed to New Hope, PA. (Saturday we had to attend a party in NY.) All in all it was a nice vacation. We spent the majority of the time alone, just the two of us. The kids all had stuff to do so we just took off without them. Which was kinda nice! Atlantic City (a 2 hour ride for us) was alot of fun! We suck at gambling, though. We'd be up by $2 and we'd cash out! LOL! I have no stomach for losing money, so we only played around with $40 or so. We walked along the boardwalk, hit a few bars along the way, checked out the casinos. For dinner we did the buffet thing at the Trump casino. Buffets are wasted on me. I only ate the turkey and mashed potatoes. Damn...for $19.95 I could buy a whole lot of turkey and mashed potatoes! LOL! Anyway, we had ourselves a grand ol' time. Going back to work was hard, though.
In October our group (TSPR) has decided to take the 4 hour trip out to State College, PA for a paranormal conference. It should be alot of fun! Sue (our newest member) has never done a trip with us. The conference will have all kinds of seminars, lectures, investigation opportunities, etc. The guys from "Ghost Hunters" will also be there.
The gym thing has been going really well! I've been averaging 3-4 times a week. I've actually gained weight as opposed to losing it. But that's ok because there is a noticeable difference in my body shape. I've been told that while I am burning fat, I am also gaining weight from muscle. So this isn't bad. Eventually I will lose some weight. And that's ok with me. My friend Elisa has also started going to the gym with me. She's making great progress! Once I reload the photo software I'll get some pictures up. Which leads me to...
Our computer has had so many issues as of the past month. Poor Herman has had to do alot of work on it. He wiped out the hard drive, reinstalled the recovery cds...crashed again..wiped everything out. This was beyond frustrating. The computer has been running fine the past week or so, but trust me when I tell you that I will be backing everything up from now on!!
School starts on Sept 11...I can't wait for the kids to go back to school. I'm off from work on Mondays and Wednesdays...and I like those days to be peaceful! Rachel starts college on Sept 5..how exciting!
Well...I should start dinner soon. I hope that all is well with everyone...and I'm sorry for the delay in posting (Dar!)!!